
Aches, pains and diseases have become an integral part of modern life. A majority of people suffer from headaches, migraine, sinus, blood pressure, neck pain, backache, diabetes, stress, joint ache and what not, that too from a very young age. Then there are emotional problems too. They spend a fortune on getting treatment, but the relief is only temporary. Medicines are not at fault. These happen to be lifestyle problems, which cannot be eliminated till we change our day-to-day life and adapt basic holistic healing course.

The Basic Holistic Healing course explains in detail what the root causes of the ailments are and how to remove them. It helps students in tackling:

  • Weight problems
  • Mood and energy swings
  • Brain fog, lack of concentrationv
  • Food allergies
  • Fatigue during the day
  • Reliance on stimulants like caffeine
  • Cravings for sugar and carbs
  • Pimples, rashes, dry skin and other skin issues
  • Frequently under the weather
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Chronic illness
  • Diseases like sinus, backache, blood pressure, spondylitis, anemia, skin problems, piles, diabetes and joint pain etc.
  • Emotional difficulties like stress, lack of motivation, depression or aggression.

This comprehensive module trains participants in modifying their lifestyle in accordance with the principles of Ayurveda and naturopathy. Many secrets of Yogic Sciences, diet and nutrition, proper breathing and meditation are revealed in an easy-to-follow manner.

The following is the subject matter of the Holistic Healing course: (The list is for general information and is always modified in accordance with the health profile of the participants.)

  • Why do we fall ill and suffer aches and pains
  • How we aggravate these problems
  • Can diseases be predicted and prevented
  • Can these be cured without medical intervention
  • Role of what we eat
  • Principles of Hippocrates, the father of western medicine
  • Common factors in western and other medicines
  • Our body never forgets, never forgives
  • Warning signals that we ignore
  • Extra weight is BAD.
  • What constitutes our total weight
  • Consequences of emotional eating
  • What is the right way to eat
  • How wrong eating methods turn even healthy food into poison
  • How not to go on a binge
  • How to control cravings without even trying
  • Our amazing digestive system
  • What does the digestive system expect from us
  • The effect of poor digestion on the rest of the body
  • Foods that ruin digestive system: the five white snakes
  • How we turn dietary heroes into murderers
  • The significance of gut bacteria
  • Is appendix really a useless vestigial organ?
  • How to clean up the clogged colon the healthy way
  • Putting fibre to good use
  • Invaluable anti-oxidants that we forgot
  • How we overburden the pancreas and fall in the insulin trap
  • Are carbohydrates really bad
  • All grains are not born equal
  • Rice is not the villain
  • Legumes, Lentils (Dal) and how to get the most out of them
  • The protein paradox
  • The chemistry of joint pains
  • How to tackle uric acid
  • Milk and health
  • How we ruin milk products
  • Sensitivities of a compromised digestive system
  • Foods to avoid when you are sick
  • Beware of salads
  • Dressing plays havoc
  • Home food versus business lunches and party dinners
  • When to eat gig, medium and small meals
  • Role of water in your well being
  • How much water is too much
  • Water myths and reality
  • What type of water to avoid
  • Flushing out the toxins
  • Role of lemon, Indian gooseberry (amla) and other herbs
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Aerated drinks
  • Tea and coffee: the right way
  • Do energy drinks really energise
  • Importance of exercise
  • How much exercise is too much and too little
  • Best time to exercise
  • Why do we not do it
  • Is Yoga the panacea
  • Yoga is not just asanas
  • The FAST way to maintain strength, speed and flexibility
  • Mandatory regularity
  • Muscles and blood circulation
  • Sleep: how much and when
  • Role of dopamine
  • Effects of breaking the circadian rhythm
  • The pH balance
  • Food combinations
  • Maintaining the right ratio
  • Consequences of disturbing the equilibrium
  • Gut bacteria
  • Thyroid and liver
  • Is sugar the culprit?
  • How much is safe? What about the fruits that are naturally sweet?
  • What causes depression and what to do about it
  • Significance of serotonin and endorphin
  • Calorie confusion
  • Weight loss: Gym or dieting?
  • How often to eat and what
  • Breath of life
  • Right way to breathe
  • Meditation: optional or compulsory
  • Meat: pros and cons
  • Vegetarians and protein deficiency
  • What to do about Vitamin B-12 if you don’t eat meat
  • Stress and health
  • What does diarrhoea signify
  • Smoking kills
  • How to safeguard your lungs
  • Drinking and liver
  • How much should we eat
  • Portion sizes
  • Terrible role of advertisements in food choices
  • Heart do’s and don’ts
  • ENT care
  • Immediate, short-term, medium term and long-term consequences of lifestyle mistakes
  • Fasting: good or bad
  • Dangers of dieting
  • How to revive your body in a matter of 30 days
  • The French paradox
  • Confusion about oils and fats
  • Ghee and butter: good or bad?
  • The Mediterranean diet
  • Detox: pros and cons
  • How we misread the body signals
  • Guided meditation
  • Questions and answers session
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