Dear G, On my 40th birthday i can’t thank you enough for the transformation you brought in me. I am on holistic journey with you from the last 14 months You know so well how devastated I was when I met u …severely suffering from autoimmune disease. The perpetual pain , depression & my battle with lupus marks stole all my confidence After coming in contact with you things changed drastically I always ask you if it is the food or your prayers that are bringing changes in me coz it’s no less than a miracle. This ailing shiva has started sailing in happiness peace and joy. It was I who wanted to die then & it’s I , who is enjoying life to its fullest now Words cant express my feelings . Journey is still on but it doesn’t look like a struggle anymore. Please keep me in your prayers I haven’t seen this kind of life before i see love & joy around me … all thanks to you & my Parmeshwar who came in form of you to help me.
Thanks again
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